My son has been begging me for a robo hamster. Last night I decided that I would go look at them, and then get one for him closer to Christmas. They are tiny little things and when I first saw them I didn't like what I saw. There was way too much scurrying going on for my liking. They seemed a little to out of an Indian Jones scene for me. If you have seen Indiana Jones you know what I mean. I gave them a glance and decided fine I would get one closer to Christmas.
But then........................
I walked passed this cage and the there was Fievel. He wasn't scurrying and he seemed to be giving me a show. He was crunching on corn and running in his little wheel. In short, it was love at first sight. I got him out and went on a search for his friend. I found Fraggle and though he would be a good friend for Fievel, and so I got them both. I got a house, and toys, and food, and treats, and they are so freaking cute.
This morning I woke up and had to take Fraggle back and get a new Fraggle. Old Fraggle wasn't very nice! So today Fievel and Fraggle are doing great. I am going to figure out how to do a live feed and add it to my blog. They don't replace "Blackie' by any means but they are making it easier.
That is my only weekend updates. Now I just really hope that these fuckers don't have babies. Because that would be really gross!!
Yhey are RATS and they will bread like rabbits! have fun!!
What do you mean Fraggle wasn't very nice?
Like he ate Fievel not very nice, or like bit your finger not very nice?
our boys got gerbils.... but the adults of the house play with them and watch them more than the kids. We love 'em.
oh they remind me of mice or rats I don;t care how talented they are.
Fraggle, your bitch ass will go straight back if you don't behave!!
Ken- They are NOT RATS, they are my friends.
Marilyn- Like didnt want to play with Fievel and squeaked not nice. and if i see a fucking hamster eat another hamster I would freak the fuck out.
Orion- I love these guys already.
Queen- they dont have long ass tails, thats the difference.
Fraggle- Cameron oh god I am laughing so hard right now my side hurts. I had to take him back
"Fievel and Fraggle, I just really hope that these fuckers don't have babies..."
Well, you ARE in Austin...
Fraggle Rock. What a cool name. Wonder why he had issues? And I am sorry to read about your cat/family member.
What are those things? Call me dumb. LOL
Your hope is not just that they don't have kids, but that you won't have to go through the pain of renaming one..
I mean, if it's Fievel, what kind of femmy name could you make up for that?
And if it's Fraggle, how are you going to explain that one?
Yeah, Brokeback Gerbil Wheel.. Here comes JAG!
Oh fuck, too cute. Do hamsters hump like rabbits?
RPM- You are cracking me up.
Collection- Cause he was a fucker, New Fraggle Rocks, no pun intended.
Tiffany- They are Dwarf Hamsters
Jormen- I am soooooo not changing their names.
Nikki- I pray to god they dont hump, so I dont know.
"Brokeback Gerbil Wheel".... ROFL! :)
It could be the sequel to Brokeback Mountain... you could make a fortune. Start writing the screenplay now. Maybe Mickey Mouse and Fievel (the original Disney Fievel) can star in it!
Hamsters are AWESOME!
But is it a good idea to have two at the same time?
I've heard they'll fight and eventually one will kill the other one.
Maybe it's an urban legend?
I had hamsters when I was a kid. I still don't think my mother has forgiven me yet.
Your son will appreciate your pet patience and it will be good for him.
Enjoy the new rodentary additions to your family.
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