We all have one of those friends, who cracks us up. Here is our text from Wednesday. I am M and she is W, creative I know. Can you say stealth mode (insert me cracking up here).
W: Do you think people are looking at me because they know I have a roll?
M: Lol no
W: Maybe they want a bite of my muffins top!
M: That sounds dirty
W: Maybe because im a dirty little (fat) slut. Ewww bite my muffin!
M: Please stop u r making my fat hurt
W: Hey! Im bringing muffins back. Yeah!
M: Why does it always have to be about u blueberry girl
W: What can I say, fat people are jolly.
M: ho ho ho
W: Oh you want to whip out the fat names you big bowl of jelly! Come on laugh lets see you jiggle!
M: I thought you were going to say don't make me whip out my banana. So I will see your jelly and raise you one Pillsbury.
W: I feel like that dinosaur with short arms when im trying to reach around my fat
M: Is it because of the fat arms or because you secretly want to eat people
W: Listen maybe you can help me pick out some sumo panties that don't make me look so fat.
M: I am so getting sumopanties.com
W: Some people just sat near me, I think they can sense my fat under my tarp.
M: Is this circus code?
W: I mean maybe we should just "roll" with it.
M: Lmfao
Side Note: NO, we aren't making fun of fat people. We both need to lose weight.
Side Note 2: Further more if this offended you, get over it. Its not about you!
Side Note 3: Side note much?
hilarious :)
How about some Pillsbury Sumo Panties in a convenient eay-to-snack on can!
Now that's having your cake (or muffin) and eating it too!
Loved the post JAG!
"Bite my muffin"
That is some funny shit
Some days I need a good laugh. Thanks. =)
It's funny the stuff you can text to people, that's funnier when it's texted, rather than if you were talking out loud.
lololololol! I love it!
K to M bring that roll over here baby!
That was hilarious. Sounds like the texts between me and my BFF - minus the fat. lol
PS if you haven't gotten sumopanties.com, I'm going to... LOL
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