The ole' word association. Yes, I stole it. Yes, it will be here to stay.
Travel :: Dallas
Expensive :: Sephora
Backspace :: Spellcheck
Traffic noise :: Killing Me
Now see here :: I have a penis. (I don't know why, its word association)
Vegetables :: Cucumbers (No its not because of my previous answer)
Chat :: Freaks
Your calling :: Everything
Weekly : Garbage
Oh! :: Shit
Side Note: Don't be scared just freaking play already!
Side Note 2: Is it just me or does that reindeer look stoned?
Travel- World
E#xpensive- as hell
Backspace- To often
Traffic noise- Hwy 20
Now see here- Kiss off
Vegetables- Green beans
Chat- to many
Your calling- It all
Weekly- checks
Oh- Hell no
Side note, Are you sure?
Side note 2 Nope he's a doper and I would know.
traffic noise-new york
now see here-because i said so!
your calling-helping
That "Now See Here" is as good as it gets!
Travel : Expensive
Expensive : Women I meet while traveling
Backspace : Delete
Traffic noise : Headphones
Now see here : Mom?
Vegetables : Fiber
Chat : Megan's Law
Your calling : Unattainable
Weekly : Meetings
Oh! : Crikey
travel - cruise
expensive - diamonds
backspace - delete
traffic noise - trucks
now see here - shut up
vegetables - carrot
chat - mindless
your calling - pick up the phone
weekly - meetings
oh! - shit
traffic noise-who's here
now see here-that's how it should be done
your calling-what have i done
weekly-money (i'm not sure why)
Oh-dear god in heaven
nice one i like this!
Travel :: My Penis
Backspace :: My Penis
Chat :: My Penis
The Dahlia Lama :: My Penis
Hmmm, I'm seeing a pattern here. Looks like everything goes better with my penis. I can go for that
Travel :: Belize
Expensive :: Get what you pay for.
Backspace :: Frack
Traffic noise :: None
Now see here :: Pompus
Vegetables :: Jalapenos
Chat :: Posers
Your calling :: I'm there
Weekly : Adult Swim
Oh! :: Face
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