-I really love vanilla yogurt with honey. When you put honey in yogurt, it hardens a bit like candy. It so freaking yummylicious.
-Yesterday Afternoon I was mad that I still hadn't received my darts. Damn UPS Man....Last Night I went and checked my mail and there were my darts. So that's what they meant by standard mail? Major blond moment, they had been here since Friday.
-My Son is loving his drums and has made the garage into his man-cave.
-I find myself saying "turn that down" more and more and I hate it.
-I am an amazing kisser! I don't even really need to be told, I am that confident. To me there is nothing sexing then a great kiss.
-I wish it was still Friday.
-It's raining here and I have decided to wear my pink sock monkey pj's all day!
How was your weekend?
Side Note: Yes I have those PJ's! They were my Christmas eve gift from my son.
Side Note 2: My uncle got me the same ones. I kept both pairs :)
I love those pj's! I bought my girl the ones with the ice skating elephants. so cute.
it is raining here too, but I had to get dressed and clean up my trash-hole. I am H2O mopping everything, lol, I just did my kitchen table...it is so clean now you could eat off of it(you didn't want to b4)!!! My weekend was long and fun!
Nothing better than a PJ weekend. We played church hooky Sunday and had s similar quiet weekend. (I didn't shave until Monday morning)
I love greek yogurt with honey. It's like dessert!
Sock monkey pj's rock. I need to own a pair.
My weekend was short. But thats okay. I am still at my nephews the more I do the more he finds for me to do. I am now re-wiring his garage, then building a deck for his hot tub ( and he just doubled the size of the deck) And he now wants me to rebuild the old section of fence that I had pictures in my blog last week.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your randomness.
Guess what I love? Edy's Tart Honey frozen yogurt....try it. YUM!
Smooching: people that act like they don't know the diff between good and bad are bound to be bad.
I want some pj's with jack asses all over them. I can relate to that.
You know how I feel about pjs already...and napping. I think everyone should be able to wear pjs to work. And then nap at work.
I have never had honey in my yogurt. Have you taken me off your friends' list yet? But I promise to THIS week!
And no rain here yet...but 'they' say it will tomorrow.
Vanilla yogurt with honey is the closest thing to a dessert that won't destroy one's body. Amazing stuff!
I'm not sure if you have Trader Joe's in Texas but their greek yogurt with honey is to die for. Just recommending it makes me crave some.
Great blog! I must try the yogurt and honey combo, it sounds delish.
And I totally agree about kissing. Nothing sexier. Most of the time.
Ok, that honey in the yogurt trick sounds so yummy!! Whod'a thunk it!!??
Danielle- I can't believe how cute they are. For everyone else they are Nick & Nora Pj's from Target.
C- H20 Mopping is a new one thanks for sharing
g-man I just like saying g-man
Linda- What is greek Yogurt after this I am off to google.
Nikki-Target is the place to be, You can still get them online.
Ms.FT- thanks! I am random
Annie- I don't know that we have them here but i am so going to that website to drool
chewbaca- you dont have to tell me i have had many of a lizard tounger in my day. ugh
candice- lmao too funny
jules- lol and you have to try the honey trust me.
trixie- i really love your name its sexy yet pixie like. I am jealous.
petunia- No trader joe's here but after i finish this I will know what greek yogurt is.
Shalay- thanks and yes kissing is hot
carolyn-my mom thats who. she was a hippie back in the day.
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