Is it weird that.............
I keep singing "if you like it then you better put a ring on it"
When I go to sleep I play guitar hero in my head
When I am in the bathroom and busy, that sometimes I have to check for snakes coming from the sewer
I have lengthy conversations with myself
After a night of drinking I can see better
I still crave mashed potatoes with lemon juice
I can chug Red Bull
I tried a few days ago to lick my elbow for like 7 minutes, all cause someone said you couldn't
just wondering..............
Side Note: Yes I ordered those darts and no they aren't here yet
OK, SWEAR TO GOD.....I have been singing that since this morning when my alarm went off and that song was playing!!!
I love the darts and cracking up at you for trying to lick your elbow. I'm not saying that IIIII have ever tried it! *wink* *wink*
I have lengthy conversations with myself as well. So I don't think you're weird.
Nope I knew that you can't lick it, I watched to many people try and fail. I know your not weird.... other wise you would be my sister...lol
oh, that song!!! and I don't even want to admit how long I spent trying to lick my elbow.
I sing that song A LOT, have "pretend" lengthy conversations with myself, and often look for snakes coming up from the toilet (only in the middle of the night though)....but I've never heard of mashed potatoes with lemon juice..... And I tried the licking the elbow when I was in jr. high....realized it doesn't work, haven't tried it since.
if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it..if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it
that song gets locked in my head. And only because i saw the justin timberlake skit on SNL where he dressed in leotards
That is weird...and pretty funny.
It is really weird that you can chug Red Bull and if you can lick your elbow, please contact me immediately.
Just in case you haven't seen the video I put up yesterday, you need to go see it
None of that is weird
Sweet darts!
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