I don't know what is happening but I am stuck in song- one liner mode, and it's killing me. First it was "if you want it then you better put a ring on it". Next I moved on to "only the cool people", then "hi-hat with a suped-up tempo" and now "no sex before marriage". wtf?
So I have to tell you that I am truly shocked at how many people don't know what Frito Pie is. Seriously, do they only have these in Texas? If I was creative enough, I would do an ode to Frito Pie because it's freaking awesome. It's crunchy, gooey, golden-ness. "so all you fly brothers" do you see, I just can't stop. Any who here is the best way to eat it.
Heat a can of Homel chili, then take a small bag of Fritos, cut the top off, and pour the chili on top of the Fritos. Waahlah its that simple. Now you can add cheese, onions, queso, jalp....well you get the picture. This stuff is a Texas staple and if you haven't had it, make it tonight!
Does anyone else have a similar story with food they eat, but others are clueless about?
Side Note: Don't even get me started on eggo's and no they aren't waffles!
Side Note 2: Was does the spork always make the food taste better?
The only thing better than Frito Pie is Fajita Nachos.
I've seen them here in the Midwest at festivals and sporting events too. Never tried them though.
Oh the shame -
I had idea what this frito pie was and I admitted to the world via FB!!
I will forever hang my head in shame.
you forgot the cheese ;-)
Nothing I eat is strange, well not to a Texan anyway. Sporks suck!
Sporks just make stuff taste better because you can stab things that a spoon won't pick up, and you don't lose juice like you would from a fork.. So it's the best of both worlds!
Now, Frito Pie ROCKS, but my wife's nachos are seriously to DIE FOR.
That, or my taco salad..
Maybe my slow-roasted boneless ribs?
Or the Jack Daniel's BBQ wings I make..
Now I'm hungry..
In my mind I associate sporks with Taco Bell there for in my world only Taco Bell can be eaten with a spork.
I love going to festivals and having frito pie. And you must have a funnel cake for dessert. I may have to make frito pie this weekend no that you have brought it up and it's stuck in my head!
Speaking of 'spores'
...the RE-fried aspect of many ingredients found in Chinois, East Indian, and especially Tex/Mex food makes me nervous...
especially los Burro-itas.
Why can't you eat someone else's Nachos?
'Cause it's nachos!
don't forget to tip your waitress..
((*rimshot/cymbal crash))
I've had it before, but not out of the bag like that. Adds a whole new level of...texan?
In high school we would go to the 7/11 and buy a bag of Santitos Torilla Chips. Then we'd open them up in the store, and pump the cheese and chili into the bag from the condiment station. That was our drunk food.
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