I wouldn't call myself a deep person. However, there are times in my life when I feel like I get these signs. At times I sit out at night and I see the stars and when i look i up see the big dipper and I think to myself i am exactly where i am supposed to be in my life. I realize to most people that this probably sounds really weird. I guess most would compare it too deja vu. Others would call it an epiphany. I like to call it an awakening. I realized today that I am the happiest I think I have ever been in my life. I watched a show this afternoon called "August Rush". What an amazing movie, I love movies with great endings and they seem to touch me, inspire me. I wont tell you about the ending, you will have to watch it to find that out. I will tell you that something as simple as "sometimes you have to listen to hear the music" struck a cord, no pun intended. When the movie was over I walked out to my back porch. I have been out there a thousand times, this time was different. It was cold and windy the air felt cool and open, and I did listen. Yes I only heard trees swaying and wind blowing and I heard the cars on the highway a mile away, i heard the tires go over every bump in the road. But everything was louder, more intense and the sound was beautiful. In that moment a smile was across my face, I haven't felt that smile in a few years. At that moment I had an awakening. I am happy, I am happy with me and I am happy in my life.
I will now sit and patiently wait for the next awakening but this time the wait wont seem as hard.
Side Note: Back to our regularly scheduled program tomorrow.
I will now sit and patiently wait for the next awakening but this time the wait wont seem as hard.
Side Note: Back to our regularly scheduled program tomorrow.
that was quite lovely. thanks.
Well I just keep getting more and more impreessed by you. I am all ready stalking you so what is next I'm at loss?
what a gift it is to be happy.
So happy to hear that you are
in such a great place right now.
Great post!
I am so happy your happy and I hope that you will be happy for me when I am happy again.
Which I would be happy if that happened soon : )
Ciao' Bella
i sit here on the couch now.... listening to a "chick flick" playing in the background, but that was a damn good show..
i can remember that robin williams character aggravated me to my core...
moving piece indeed.
A good "epiphany" is always a good thing
"Father! Father! The sleeper has awaken!"
Awwwwww. Thank you for sharing!
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