Yes by now you know I am a dork. That being said I also must throw in that I am a VERY cool mom, sometimes. So I am sitting on the couch with my son, talking about his day. He starts telling me about how "gay" the jocks are. How they sit around and talk about their pec's which cracked me up, because my son also talks about his "muscular chest". The point being he would rather have lunch with a beautiful girl then chest beaters. I asked him, do you ever tell them they are gay. He says no and goes on to complain about another boy and how he is fast. Me thinking "fast" is the new tween word, I start asking a ton of questions to figure out what the word means.
This is where my son says, "what is wrong with you". I said, "what I get it "fast, I just want to know what it means.
He responds, "wow mom, you know he runs fast. or he is the fastest runner in the school. Needless to say I felt like a dumb ass.
Lesson of the day: 1, this is a boring ass post. 2, sometimes a word is just that.... a word.
at least your a fast learner.
in my school if a girl was "fast" ...it meant you could get into her pants quickly...
and for a guy, with or without pectoral muscles, meant he was a 2 pump chump...
Gotta love the 2 pump chump comment! Thumbs up to Orion!
In my day, fast was what you needed to be in order to keep one step ahead of the Jocks.
Otherwise, you'd get the swirly hairdo if you were caught!!
I'm with Orion on this one..
traditionally only school girls were referred to as fast...
and the evidence was usually embellished by some shot-down wanker trying to bolster his cred.
Someday soon your son will be surprised to discover that many of those Jocks really are Gay and hopefully any pejorative use of the term will be eliminated from his vocabulary...
until he has some Gay friends who he will also discover are chick magnets...
and the circle will be complete.
Sometimes kids shock us with their simple words meaning nothing more than what they are. How refreshing.
Who would of thought that "Fast" would mean fast. next eggs will mean eggs
Yes, sometimes a word is JUST a word. LOL!!
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