24 participants and I am pretty freaking excited. Below are all the people who have dared to join Swapfest. If you see your name in RED please click on this LINK and fill out this online form QUICKLY, so that I can match people up. If for any reason you no longer want to participate then no worries, just shoot me an email. If you have already joined and you dont see your name below, send me an email. justagurl74@gmail.com
I am going to give the damn procrastinators a few more days to get there forms filled out and then we are off to match city. I will have all the swap buddies ready by Friday. I want to have a mail by date of December 5th. This gives everyone plenty of time to send off their swaps.
As I said before this isn't about quantity or how much you spend. I thought about putting a price on this swap, but I decided against it. I make the rules here at JAG. Be creative and expect nothing! Send your partner something old, something pink, 10 things, 8 things. Send whatever you want. Send a good book and a blankie shoot I dont care, just send something and put some thought into it. As stated earlier everyone that participated in the swap will be receiving a gift from me. Its going to be a surprise and amazingly awesome, so NO hints.
Here is the list, the bad guys are the ones in RED. LMAO!
13. idamomb @ idamomb
24. JAG @ justagirl34
everyone can participate just fill out the form
How come you and one other are in black and not pink or red, are you cheating already?
P.S. come get you award at my main blog before I flush the damn thing! lol
I clicked the link and it went to my blog! There is no form! Help me, I am not a bad person!
OK I'm reallly stupid, but I figured out the link thing and I'm done!
Sounds like you are pretty-much set.
IT's gonna be a blast!
Somebody's getting an autographed photo of David Hasselhoff!
So excited
There ya go. I filled it out! :)
Hey, I just realized I never sent you your prize from my PiF contest. How lame am I?????
Hey that sounds like fun, I am up for it the next time around but i am in the UK, Enjoy
that sounds like fun! I think I need to go back and read it again so i can participate.
sounds like great fun count me in if there is still time. I sent you an e-mail.
Your numbers are uneven and I would love to do a swap! Don't know the rules or anything, but I'm in!
I finally filled it out.
Woot! :)
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