They say it's my birthday, duh na nah nah na. You probably all want to ask me the same question. How does it feel to be Halfway to 70? No different. I still feel old!
I have always loved birthdays but as you get older they become not a big deal. I have never been married so it's the one day where I get to feel special ever year. Yes, it's all about me. This year I got some pretty special things from my mom/son and had to share!
1. I got a peace sign on a chain and a wine bottle charm. Both are from James Avery and they are super cute. thanks guys.
2. The picture you see above of the dragonfly's was painted by my mom. She has such an amazing talent. She has only been doing watercolor's for about 6 months and her talent is clear as day. She has done quite a few paintings that are gallery ready! Anywho my beautiful painting sits in my office now and I LOVE IT!
3. The coolest gift out of all of them was the book that you see above. It's the complete tales of Beatrix Potter in the original order and exactly how they were sent to be printed. Before each story, there is a story about the story. Also the book has 4 stories never published..........Last Year I saw Miss Potter the movie for the first time and I fell in love with it. I am a big happy ever ending kind of girl and this book fit that in every way. The first time I watched the movie I watched it 3 times in a row. It is the ONLY movie out there that I can watch over and over. A few months after, my mom watched it and she loved it. Its set in the early 1900"s and its based on the true story of Beatrix Potter. I hate to sound gay here, but what an inspiration to us all. This gift was beyond thoughtful! I have read it every night, and for the past few days it has slept with me. Yes I am a dork.
Overall 34 was interesting. Definitely allot of lessons learned. 35 is going to be about me. I am going to be selfish the entire year, I think I earned it. It's funny what age does to us, yes it just another year, and yes its just 35, and I am sure some of you think that is very young. But its still getting older no matter how you look at it. I look forward to getting myself in shape and finishing my 35 before 35.
Happy Birthday, Jag! You freaking made it to 35 aka "halfway to 70".
Side Note: As I was writing this my Mom showed up with a beautiful bouquet of pink gerber daisy's and a beautiful card. What a great day it has been so far!
Happy Birthday!!!!
My bff would kill for that painting. She's a dragonfly freak.
Hope you have an AWESOME day!!!
Happy Birthday JAG!
My dear friend JAG, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!. You are right you should make this year all about you! And you should tell your mom that I think she is like the collest mom (next to mine of course) in the whole world, and that kid of yours ROCKS!
Happy Birthday! Mine is Saturday!!! Gotta love a fellow Taurus! :)
Happy Birthday, girlie!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Happy Birthday!!!
I think a celebration is in order....I will drink a beer in your honor tonight. Hell, I'll drink six of em in your honor ;)
Happy Birthday!!!!
Love the dragonfly painting~so pretty! Talented mom you got there. :)
Selfish years are the best. Enjoy it! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
I'm halfway to 70, too. In fact, I'm almost 6 months in and it's not too bad.
Happy Freakin' Birthday XX OO
Go ahead and have a full ME year..why not..it's your life.
35 is a good year... you know that all your parts are going to work for a few more decades (law of Average) and you can start taking stock of your inventory but you know that you're just reaching your stride.
That's all I can say because I don't want to spoil it..keep in mind that I'm 51 and I need to keep thinking that the 50s are the awesomest EV-ERRRRR!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have/had a wonderful day! Have a few drinks! Eat a few cupcakes! :)
I want to see that movie now! Happy birthday a day late. I hope it was a great one!
Hey - we share a birthday!!! I was just doing a google search on halfway to 70 (which oddly is exactly how I introduced my age too) - and I found your blog! Happy Birthday fellow Tiger Taurean! Hope you had good celebrations...x
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