A few months ago I read about this product on someone's blog. I forgot who's so if it was your blog, leave me a comment and I will link. When I first read the post I wasn't so sure. I am a bit of a product snob and in the past I haven't been very impressed by any of Neutrogena's products. However, after reading the comments I decided to give it a try. Oddly enough this was because of all the comments saying that this product tingled and burned a bit. No pain, no gain. I am happy to report that I am on day 4 and this product will give you results. My face not only looks clearer but it has a healthy glow as well. I get recurring breakouts on the right side of my chin from my phone. NOTHING, has helped with these breakouts until now. This stuff gets 5 stars!
14 Day Skin Rescure, by Neutrogena ($23.99)
Am so going to try this! I am so sick of my skin on my face! Actually thinking about microdermabrasion. Sigh. NO pain, NO gain. :)
Oh that was me! I loved that stuff! It almost made me enter a burn clinic, but I loved it! I'm glad you're trying it and liking it.
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