
I Wonder Wednesday?

Does anyone else check the toilet for snakes before they sit down?


RPM said...

Not lately

Anonymous said...

OMG yes! Especially in the middle of the night. And I don't live in an area where that's likely to happen. I used to have bad dreams about it. Does that mean I'm crazy?

just a girl... said...

RPM- We will see if it's a girl thing!

Jules- You aren't crazy I just think maybe we watch too much TV, lol.

Aunt Juicebox said...

I check it for ANYTHING - snakes, rats, spiders. I am so freaking paranoid.

Mich said...

im with Heather, i checl for any creep crawlys!

i live in a "rat free" area (Yesssss!!!) but there are still spiders and gross things every now and then. i dont think ive ever seen a snake but that doesnt mean they arent out there.... and possibly in my toilet bowl!

Anonymous said...

I've never though to do that. But, occasionally, I look for spiders.

Brittany said...

Not just snakes, but everything. Is it weird?

g-man said...

I saw the "toilet monster" when I was a kid, which I have no idea what it was but it disappeared into the little hole on the bottom of the bowl where the water comes out of. (it looked like a small snake, or at least the tail of one). I didn't sit on it for months!

Now I'm over it.

Ms. Salti said...

I occasionally check for spiders...

just a girl... said...

you guys are freaking cracking me up. what is the with the spider trend. i have never checked for spiders. too funny

Aunt Juicebox said...

I have what I refer to as "Spi-dar". If I walk into a room and there is a spider anywhere visible in the room my eyes go right to it. My husband attracts them, and yet is paralyzed with fear when he sees one.

Jormengrund said...


I figure if the snake's brave enough to be down there, then it deserves what's coming!