My beloved Blackie has been gone since December. It has been awful and it has taken me a long time to decide if I wanted another cat. I was convinced I was going to be a turtle mommy, but as you all know that shit didn't work out. Today I decided to go craigslist surfing and I found this little girl(the orange one). I instantly fell in love with her and named her cheeto. Tomorrow I will find it if she is mine. AND then.............10 minutes later I found out she has a brother. My son is begging me to get them both. I have always wanted persian kittens, did i say ALWAYS! So here it is the first glance at my "maybe" new pets. I just really hope this lady comes wayyyyy down on the price so that I can get them both.
cross your fingers kids! this is exactly what I need!
Side Note: and yes I totally feel like the girl in the willy wonka who says. I want a golden ticket daddy, I want it.
I think I am going to name the top one YODA if I can get them both.
oh yes yes yes, i love them!!!
oh yes, you have to have Yoda and Cheeto!! I think they are PRECIOUS. I could just KISS them both :)
Well this daddy hopes you get it!!!!
I'm soooo not a cat person, but after seeing those two, I think I can change. They are adorable! Except I'm not sure about the names... they need cute, fuzzy names... like Fluffy and, oh hell, I don't know!
And by the way, the girl in Willy Wonka is Veruca Salt, which is also the name of a band from the '90s. Check 'em out if you don't know who they are!
hope you get them! let us know asap...
So have I ever told you how much i envy your blog.. As I enjoy the hell out of your blog-tacular-ness, I have one question... how did you get so many subscribers... I want 81 folloers... any advise...
anyways, hope the pussy(s) work out for you!
If you pay more than a small adopting fee (like ten bucks each) for either or both of the kitties, you are a fool........
They are soooo adorable! I love kitties!
So cute! These is nothing better than a cute kitty....well, except maybe TWO!!
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