1. I am now the mom of a High Schooler!
2. I finally learned how to make my Aunt's, Macaroni and Tomatoes.
3. I quickly became addicted to " I'm a Celebrity, Get me out of here".
4. I am starting to wonder who my true friends are.
5. People from my past are coming out of the wood work.
6. I am on the hunt for a tree for my back yard, suggestions???
7. On #6, no oak=no roaches, right?
8. Crawfish season is almost over, so sad.
9. I think no is the new yes.
10. I think I want to learn how to skateboard.
Side Note: Okay, maybe I only want a pink skateboard!
cute skateboard! congrats to your son!
no is def the new yes :)
I have been a lurker for awhile. LOVE your blog. I have followed you for quite some time now and your humor and strength always gets me. We get you, good or bad and that is what I like. I also wonder about #4, is it just because we are getting older. I am going through something similar right now. It seems the people closest to me are the ones that should be the farthest. Hang in there and go with your heart. Just my two cents. I have a great ability of reading through the lines and I am sure this hurts more then you let on.
Also I love the new sunday series, keep the comics coming!
There's a crawfish season? Congrats on your new high-schooler. My daughter starts HS in the fall, so that's my wakeup call. She's my baby. My son is 17, but for some reason it feels different with my daughter.
I got a much-wanted skateboard when I was in the 9th grade. I have a pretty scar on my knee to prove it :)
I never heard of the oak/roach connection before.
1. Dad of a 20 YO HS Dropout.
2. Sounds good.
3. Have never seen it, but doesn't sound like my kind of show.
4. Bummer.
5. Fuc*in' Facebook
6. Not a bradford pear or a cherry tree.
7. Never heard that one before.
8. Mmmm gumbo.
9. Really? I cant imaging that going over well.
10. Just dont start by having your friend tow you behind his bike so that when you are going really fast you will crash!
1. Dad of a 20 YO HS Dropout.
2. Sounds good.
3. Have never seen it, but doesn't sound like my kind of show.
4. Bummer.
5. Fuc*in' Facebook
6. Not a bradford pear or a cherry tree.
7. Never heard that one before.
8. Mmmm gumbo.
9. Really? I cant imaging that going over well.
10. Just dont start by having your friend tow you behind his bike so that when you are going really fast you will crash!
The tree depends on what type of neighbors you have. My friend had to cut down an apple tree in her yard, because the neighbors kids wouldn't stop climbing her fence to eat them. The top of the fence was very sharp and one of them got cut pretty badly. She even called the cops and they couldn't keep them out of her yard. So she had to get rid of the tree. Also, you want to find out how large the tree will grow too, because very tall ones can be a problem if they end up dying and have to be removed before they fall over and hit someone's house.
1.I'm the grand dad of a 2.9 year old
2.Sorry anything with tomato's sucks in my book
3.No thanks
4.Well as long as I'm counted as a friend I'm good with it
5.Get a better sealer
7.Wrong nothing stops them little bastards
8.Just starting here
9.No (are is that yes?)
10. Are you nuts?
Side note: Thats better
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