I am addicted to baths, big time. The other night I got in my bathtub and was admiring everything around me. My pink candles, the warm water, the beautiful new bottle I got to hold my Mr. bubble and then..................WTF is in my freaking bubble bath!!!! Is that a BUG!!!!!!! Damn mosquito got in my bottle. NoW, if I was a normal person, I would just move on with my day with no thought to this BUG. However, I am not a normal person. All I kept thinking about was all the virus's those nasty ass things carry. I had a talk with my inner paranoid self and we decided as a team that I had to throw out the bubble bath. We couldn't take the chance of infecting our bath water with WEST NILE. Yes, welcome to my world.
The week ended way better then expected. I am very happy for life to be back to normal so to speak. I am thinking about changing my blog "look". If you know of anyone that does this let me know. I want something simple!!!!!!!
Now...Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me. Lets talk about...........well you get the picture. I do this "sing song" thing as my cousin calls it. When I want to get off the phone with someone I start to sing song my words. Never noticed it till she pointed it out about 2 years ago. Luckily, I don't have those tells in poker. Not even sure why I just told you that! My point is that I have been walking around for the past two days signing song verses. I guess I am in a good mood. What I can't understand is why the verse I have been saying over and over is "bitch better have my money". I love the dirty lyrics in rap songs. Something so taboo about saying "you can lick my lollipop". AND I wonder why my kid laughs at "Bangkok".
Well that's all folks!!!!!!!!!
Side Note: If there is a song verse you sing that is dirty and sticks in your head at the weirdest times, tell me about it. Happy Friday!
ok this one is so dumb and dirty! i dont even remember what song it is from (honestly i think its from some local "rap" group that handed me a free CD once).
it goes "one-fifty-one and get your dick head numb"
what does that even MEAN???????? i dont have a clue but everytime EVERYTIME i see something that is 151 (at work, the time, a street number or house number) i always say it with my "gangsta" accent.
im so hood.
Mich-OMG cracking me up and I love that. I think it might be 151 rum. Either way I thinks its great!
I am quite the wanna be rapper myself.Although at this moment I can't think of one song!! Figures,I'm never good under pressure!
ahhhh .... yes.... i think you might be right....
(and yes, i have had that little jingle in my head since i wrote that comment over an hour ago)
I like big butts and I cannot lie....oh. my god. Becky. her butt is soo big.
Love your blog too!
Face down ass up that's the way we like to....
I'm so glad that you found me! Your comment said that you were noT following me and I almost cried. I think you meant noW. Thank you for being my 37th follower. I'm your 86th! Love your blog. I'm new here and I'm not sure I should tell you what lyrics are stuck in my head. Let's just say it's usually something by Godsmack.
Happy weekend to you too!
Oh, I forgot, I'm with you on tossing the bubble bath, although I never like to waste anything.
Ant, okay?
Mosquito, not okay!
I sing my words a lot my own damn self.
Wil Harrison.com
Nickelback has a song called "shaking hands" that sticks with me all the time. it goes like this "Far to pretty to be giving it cheap, that's why she's making 6 figures working three days a week." And as you know my sister is the bomb when it comes to web pages, I will give her a call.... but I make no promisses okay
I love the line from "Hey Ya" that goes: "don't want to meet your mama... just want to make you come-a" lol.
There were ants in my water fuel belt this morning at 5:30 am. bleagh! had the creepy crawlies the whole 16-mile run...
I have a lot of run-ins with bugs so I totally understand throwing out the whole bottle. Bummer, though. The most recent dirty lyrics are from Lady Gaga's new song... I wanna take a ride on your disco stick!
Nothing kills a good bath like a bug!
Word to ya Mutha!
Coolio had a retrolicious ditty called nutsac :)
"Knick-knack paddy-wack Wino's in the back
and my hand's on my muthaf*ckin nutsac
And it's like dat"
"I got my hand on my nutsac
Na na na na na naaaaaa"
My current favorite dirty lyrics are:
"hush girl, shut you lips, do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips"
Not really dirty ... but OH! The images that run through MY dirty lil head! lol
Awesome blog ... will be back!
Oh, the comments are cracking me up!
Face down, ass up.....
I like big butts and I cannot lie....
I love love love rap/hip-hop lyrics! Seriously!
I would have thrown out the bottle as well. I HATE bugs. If there's a beetle or a spider in the house I will stand frozen on spot (unless the bug is coming toward me) and scream until someone comes to kill it. If I'm home alone I put a glass or something over top of the bug so it can't escape (all the while screaming Ew! ew! Ew!) until my JRK comes home to kill it for me.
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