I will never understand the people in our lives who get irritated when we are grumpy, when were sick. Go ahead and try to understand that much less say it 3 times fast. So this post isn't going to be all rainbows and unicorns.
I hate Wal-Mart, and I no longer care if people think that makes me a snob. That store sucks ass. I am not sure if its the store I hate or the majority of the people. I went there today because I had to return the playstation 2 that I had got my son for Christmas. Long story short ...I got him the playstation 3 instead, which I love by the way.
so I go there today to return my item and I decide I am going to walk through the garden section. This way I don't have to walk through hoards of heathen children and freaks who look like they are on acid. Speaking of acid looking freaks, if you are one of these acid freaks don't get all sensitive on me this isn't about you. As I am entering the garden section, troll man stops me and says I cant go through his door with my returns. He says all returns must go through the main doors. At this point my heads starts spinning and green vomit starts protruding out, okay not really. But I did tell this man that I would like to see him stop me.
I make it to the customer service aka " freak center" and that is when I realized that people are weird. Maybe its that I am hyped up on Nyquil or maybe it was that everyone around me was creeping me the fuck out. I hate that feeling, you know the one where you feel like you are in the middle of an acid party that no one told you about. When you look around you and you wonder are people really this fucked up.
Anyhow no point to this story, I am still sick, still high on nyquil and still hate walmart.
Side Note: Please tell me that I am not the only one that has seen the freaks come out at walmart.
When I dare to venture into a Walmart, I am shocked by the number of inbreed freaks that shop there. I stop and stare sometimes and hold onto my husband very tight. "Must.Leave.this.store.now" is my chant. Over and over.
But seriously, the crap there is cheap.
My husband hates Walmart. All those freaks don't phase me at all. I work in social services so they aren't any different than the clients I work with. All the same Target's closer so we go to Target.
Are you kidding? I love brie and I'm super excited to get more brie recipes. I have some phyllo so next time I stop at the store I'll try your way!
I hate that place too! What is it about all Wal-Marts that draw those acid freaks to them? The last time I went there to return something I had to text a friend to be on the ready in case I ended up in jail for going bat shit crazy on the clerk.
And going there when you are sick....you must be some kind of saint.
Oh now you are right wal-mart is freak central.They hire freaks and they sell to freaks, when one of us semi normal people walk in they get all freaked out.That why I live by the phrase from Jeff Dunham's edge of insanity dvd. "Welcome to wal-mart get your shit and get out" If you haven't seen that you owe it to yourself to watch it.
It IS a freak fair at Walmart. They all work there and when they are not working there, they are SHOPPING there.
p.s. I'll probably end up there when I am old and decrepit.
i used to work there shortly after high school...
trust me, i've seen some fucking freaks. Try the late shift.
You haven't been to WalMart unless you've been to the one in Decatur, Tx.
It's the mother of all freakshows.
I have a few eat a dick and die Wal Mart posts as well so don't feel like the lone ranger.
Did you happen to stock up on batteries for your new "friend" while you were in skankmart? Some things are worth the inconvenience...
At least you were there during normal business hours. The real Wal Mart freaks come out to the 24 hour stores in the middle of the night. Seriously...have you ever seen the people who walk around there at 3 in the morning?
I am not sure I know anybody who like Walmart and yet we all keep going back.I think we go back because of the freaks helps us feel normal.We are normal right? I hate Walmart also. Robitussin-DM works for me.I think I built up a resistance to Nyquil
Ok, so what you're sayin' is that you're "still on the fence" about Wal-Mart.
Thanks for coming by my blog. It's always great to hear from someone new! I'll check back with you again soon!
You are not alone -
Every time I venture there I always have a story about something or someone I encountered.
Walmart blows ass. And - NEWS FLASH - a lot of their shit AIN'T cheaper. The only thing Walmart has going for itself is the convenience factor. And, oh yeah, you don't have to look for the freaks, they're everywhere.
walmart is an insanity vortex. The longer i'm in there the more my sanity is sucked away. The loud intercoms, which they are ALWAYS on, the screaming, the sounds of the metal baskets clammering on the floor, how the store is never kept tidy and organized, how there is never really good help because the people who work there act like they are at the end of their life.
That's why I prefer target. It's quiet, it's clean, and in most of them, the children don't scream at the top of their friggin lungs with the parents just walking by like no big deal.
i am so glad that I am not alone. I will not go there. I will gladly pay more than brave their parking lot... or their checkouts. hell any of it. you could die on that store and no one would know. I have gone so far as to drive 100 miles to target to avoid walmart. btw.. i would buy the shirt.
Wal Mart always provides a hilarious story.
Let me tell you something funny...so in my RSS reader I have your blog, then right below yours is Kanye West's blog. Well, it's 8:42 AM as I type this, I'm still waking up, and I seriously thought this was Kanye West writing about his hate for wal mart. That's hilarity!
In my humble opinion:
You are going to find alot of folks at Wallmart are from the lower end of the social scale. This is were they can afford to shop.
Walmart has done significant damage to America and no one has seemed to noticed they kind of slid in the back door. Walmart has put many Mom & Pop stores out of business.
They have exploited employees with no benefits/over time/general working conditions. Walmart has been a wolf on the social fabric of America by always buying foreign made products while they drape themselves in the American flag.
I guess you can tell that I do not shop there. But in some small towns like Decatur Texas that is all they have. Very Very sad.
I once went to Walmart at 2:00 in the morning to by a toaster (don't ask... I was craving toast).
In the electronics aisle there were two 40ish white-trashish (picture Comic Book guy from the Simpsons) people rocking it old school to Rock Band. He on the guitar... her on the drums. They were having the time of their lives.
Yes... I still shop there... but I hate every minute of standing in line... especially in the self-checkout line where people try and ring through 3000 things and have no idea how to work the machines. There should be some kind of IQ scan before you are allowed to use them.
OK... that's enough from me.
I'm with you - Wal-Mart blows! Where can I get that shirt? I wanna wear it to Wal-Mart :)
yea! and the ppl who work there think they work at like target or something..ha. They should take school kids there as a "scare em straight" program, like when we used to have to take a school trip to the county jail...see what your life could be like as a fuck up.
I used to work at Walmart. WTF was I thinking? The real freaks come out at night.
Saturday night at a Walmart is when they come out from the hills. I go on Sunday morning, with the other heathens. Here in the bible belt the stores are pretty empty on a Sunday morning.
I think you have what I call medicine head. Does it feel like you're walking on a cloud?
And our country bumpkin wal-mart is THE place to be if you wanna see people half dressed in their jammies and slippers. Yea it's classy around here.
The old I hate Walmart routine again!! Hmmm!
I don't think hating Wal-Mart makes you a snob, I think it makes you normal. I have ALWAYS hated Wal-Mart. ALWAYS. I only go there unless I absolutely have to. And if I do have to go there, I will only go on Sunday mornings before church lets out. Most of the time I will go to CVS or Walgreen's and pay an extra $2 or $3 for the items that I need. It's worth it. I swear Wal-Mart is where all the most misbehaved kids in the world are, and they're always there when I have to be there.
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