Okay so I get it, we start our blogs and we all do the newbie things. We do meme's, check. We do awards, check. We actually post multiple times in one day, freaking check. But when are we seasoned enough to do a swap. Today!
Now I don't ask a lot from you bastards. Once I asked for you to vote for me on humor-blogs, and I haven't made that mistake since. But I do want some participants in my first "just a girl's, swapfest 08' ". I know what you are thinking, economy, money, gifts oh my. Folks lets keep this simple shall we.
You can swap 1 item or 50 items to your swap-ee, that is not whats important. We all like surprises and what a great way to end the year. Send your swap-ee a good book, or regift, be creative and send candybars, candles or even a recipe card. Its not about how much or how little you do, its about the thought. Lets just do this.
1. I would like men to participate (gman, moe, jay, joe, ken,RPM, brad etc.)(if you dare)
2. If you want to participate simply send me an email..... justagurl74@gmail.com
3. Or leave a comment
4. Anyone can join the swapfest until October 31st.
5. I will arrange it all and send you your swap-ee's info by November 5th.
6. All you have to do is send your swap gift out by November 30th
7. No seven I just don't like to end on six
I don't need you to link to me and I don't know how to make a damn picture button. If you want to list this on your blog then go old school. Copy and paste the pic, and link back. However, this is not about me. I could give 2 shits, I just want participants.
Side Note: Everyone who joins will receive a swapfest souvenir.
Swapfest '08. Turns out it is nothing like I thought it would be.
Oh well, count me in. You'll find me over here with the ect.
yay you are my first member. Oh and you are no longer etc. I may have to take out all names or I will find myself retracting every day.
You know I'm in, like that was a question. What kind of stalker would I be. ew baby ew baby ew!!! lol
I wanna play!!!!! Count me in
I'm in! This could be fun. ;o)
hey just found your blog and i wanna play too!!
I'll play.
(p.s. Can I have Ken?)
I want in!
I'm still recovering from my last 2 (yes, 2) swaps, but I guess I could do 1 more... I'll think about it!
I am thinking about it, but I am kind of scared about what I might get from this group.
you guys are killing me and cracking me up at the same time. Crazy Lady - we are a great group, you wont get eyeballs and lizards I promise.
Side Note: I will be picking the swap partners. So tell your friends and your readers about it, I will pair accordingly. Read through the lines.
Side Note 2: you guys have to love the fest logo so post it or blog about it, so the turnout is bigger.
Side Note 3: Yes my first side note three i think, anyhow i cant freaking type today and no spell check so get over it.
I was more worried about hello kitty vibrators. How would I explain to my husband why some guy from across the country that I don't know sent me a vibrator? I guess I will have to make sure I get the mail. Count me in.
Late to the party, but I'm in. Send me some instructions (brad@diariesoftheprofessor.com)
Count me in!
I'm in!
Hook me up with some crazy biotch!
been lurking on ur bog for a few days now but I said, what the hell-I'll make myself known! I'd love to join...
And you girl, are one funny ass chick!
Me me me!! I love mysterious internet games where I give out my address and maybe get something I never wanted in the mail!!
Sign me up!!
I just sent you an email. Sign me up! Swap me down! etc.
Hey girlfriend, I'm in but have a favor to ask.....can I have the vibrator guy??? LOL
I wanna play!!
Just found your blog... LOVIN it!!!
Snuck over here on suggestion from a friend. :) Sent ya an e-mail, and am now commenting. :)
I want to get in on the swap!
Oooohhh! I'm in. I'm a swap virgin. Be gentle.
Sign me up! Good idea girl... glad I got in before that 31st whew!
You know how to reach me if you need anything further!
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