1. I cannot wait for the TX-OU game.
2. I have decided to pull up carpet and go with stained concrete
3. This week I googled "can you go blind at 34"
4. There are more guys then girls in my Swapfest right now
5. I talked to a guy on the phone last night for almost 3 hours, and not my x
6. All day yesterday I heard "cowbell' in my head. justagirl needs more cowbell
7. I wish I could go through my whole day naked, starbucks and all
8. I am still not sleeping very well at night, where is the damn xanax
9. I am slowly but surely killing my grass
10. Today I will learn about the Sagittarius sign
I was on the phone for an hour and a half with someone yesterday. I thought I was going to go mad! I never talk on the phone that long!
the archer rocks.
I'd go naked too if i could, but i couldn't bare (ha ha) the laughter.
I have to agree on just about each and every one of these things!
Are you some kind of fraternal long-lost twin of mine??
Gets nippy out so a naked trip to starbucks could be cold. imagine the goosebumps.
I just kinda wish my house had a S
Starbucks in it. But then I suppose I'd be crazy jittery.
They tend to arrest you for #7 trust me.
So what did you find when you googled "can you go blind at 34"?
Nudity would bring a whole new level of interest to something called "Swapfest", no?
I'll bring the coffee.
3 hours! Way to go!
YES more cowbell!!
And of course, I always give my readers what they want. :) Except for that Coach purse...I'll have to get back to you on that one!
Hey gal - I sometimes post on redneck renaissance man, but mostly on goteeman.blogspot.com (main one)...
I will try to get something up later today, though... just 2 much 2 do 2 day...
I had more cowbell once and it was a lot of fun. (got on stage with a local band and played the cowbell)
naked starbucks. Ooooh have you been getting into my head lately?
I think you've pretty much narrowed it down to the essentials there! Stained concrete? This I gotta see!
Okay, I have had enough! you readers need to learn to play the game. this is how it is done.....
1.) I can't wait in tell its TXvs. U of O (it may never happen but)
2.) You wont like it, go with woody!
3.) Depends on if you play with your self. (thats what mom said)
4.) And you wonder why?
5.) And it wasn't me? do you need my number?
6.) Moo baby!!
7.) Believe me I wish you could to!
8.) I have changed my name to Xanax
9.) Its over rated
10.) If I were you I would be looking up Gemini!!
Now was that so hard, hell I can't type for shit and I can do it. next week lets see so balls people!
Hey nobody is stoppin' you from going through your whole day Nekkied!
I am a Sag but it is my understanding that due to the wobble in the Earth's axis all of the signs are now out by one month.
You can never have enough cowbell or phone time. I'm stoked about the swapfest
I can get a cowbell widget for my iPod. When you shake it it makes the cowbell, so you can add it to any song.
"I got the fever and the only cure is more cowbell"
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