My theory is that we tell our kids they can't drink, smoke or have sex. Shockcity these are the first things they can't wait to try. Yet from elementary up they are told to eat there damn vegetables, and that clearly isn't happening. So from here on out, I think we should tell them vegetables are crap, they taste like shit and they do nothing for your body. Damn, why didn't i think of this 13 years ago.
Side Note: I know what day it is and Tin Truths is coming.
When is it that kids decide they don't like vegetables? Is it once they taste other delicious things? Can parents withhold deliciousness so their kids continue to like vegetables since they don't know the difference?
So many questions before I become a parent...
Thats a great idea. Reverse psychology!!
The pot idea is just bad, cause really, they be all high and while they might eat their veggies they be too stoned to pick up their rooms and stuff. LOL.
I just never told them the truth when they were little to get them to eat stuff. My kids were 12 and 13 until they finally found out fish was not chicken. they thought any white meat was chicken. now they don't trust me at all when they say whatsw in this?
I love vegies. I especially had a love of tomatoes coming out of the womb. Insane, I know.
If I ever have kids, I'm going to try this reverse psychology on them.
When I ws growing up, you ate what was put on your plate, or you didn't eat, and that included your vegetables. My mother wasn't our personal short order cook, and was on a very limited budget. There was never any discussion or complaints about the food. We knew that's what there was. I am a little more lenient with my daughter since I only have her, and will give her more choices. But eating vegetables was never one of them. I love them, and always served them, and as a result, she will eat them. The only one she doesn't like is raw tomatoes, but she will eat them cooked. It's probably not too late for your son, you just have to get creative in adding them to his food. There are probably some books and websites out there with suggestions. I am a big proponent of adding things like brown sugar to cooked carrots, or a little cheese sauce on the broccoli, to please a picky husband, so it might work on kids too.
See I knew I was strange!!! I love my veggies, always have. And I did my fair share of the other three you mentioned. I still need more of that one.......
You're preachin' to the choir Sistah!
Of course smokin' Pot t'ain't no big thang up here in Canada. The Government grows Medicinal pffft Maryhoochie right here in my Province...course the patients trade it for the good stuff outside the Hospital and the Dealers sell the Government crap to the dazzling Suburbanites...
what a HOOT eh?
My son only eats corn and butternut squash. When he was little, he only ate veggies, no meat, and then he flipped the whole thing around.
I'm a freak who prefers her veggies to any other food group.
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