
Welcome to my life

No, I am not a stepford wife who walks around and tells everyone how great their kid is. But my kid is funny as hell. So last night I am watching Harold and Kumar, my son walks in on the part where Kumar is masturbating and appears to get some liquid from said masturbation on his face. My son freaks out and screams, "OOOOOOOOHHHHHH man, sick, jesus mom what are you watching, oh god, mom that is just sick he just got Spermed".

Now for all you freaks out there, I wasn't watching porn, not even close. However, when he said "spermed" I laughed until my stomach hurt. The whole time he was saying, "okay mom fine, what do adults call it", which just made me laugh even more. 


weesle909 said...

So I bumped into your blog this morning, and proceeded to spend the next hour or so reading all your posts. You are funny as hell, and I've added you to my list of blogs-to-check-when-I-should-be-working-instead.

My employer would like to thank you....

Ken Duck Geraths said...

I'm sure glad that, that was one bullet I dodged with my kid...but it did make for a funny post!

KA said...

LOL Spermed... sorry, that's a great way to say it and now i must use it!

Anonymous said...

lol wow...I'm glad youre comfortable talking about with your son, my parents dont even want to think about things like that lol

just a girl... said...

Wee- Tell your boss I said your welcome. Glad to have you on board.

Ken-Believe me he has said worse. For a single mom I do okay.

Toughgirl- Yes spermed will be forever in my vocabulary.

Question Mark- We have very open communication as you can tell. My next blog will be about the time he asked the health teacher if he was going to run out of sperm. LMAO

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA! That's too fuckin funny dude!!!!

Practically Joe said...

Hmmmm... What else could you say ... Oh ... how about ... The semen have come ashore?